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You have the option of donating directly to either the national DAV, Operation Troop Support,

or the AMVETS Post 32 in Gloucester!


This will be tax deductible for you.


Just click an image above and you'll be taken right to their website to make a donation to their fund.


Tell them Private Freedom sent you!



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​You can also donate to Private Freedom to support the cause without making a purchase!

Just click the above donate button!



This is NOT tax deductible as Private Freedom is not 501 (c)(3) tax exempt;

it is instead supporting veterans and will give any donated money to the local

AMVETS and/or DAV, Chapter #74.




                                    You could also mail a check directly to the DAV in Gloucester:


DAV Chapter 74

Commander Thomas R. Dagle

P.O. Box 305, Goucester, MA. 01930.



Tell them Private Freedom sent you!


support our troops
Merchant Marines
National Guard
Salute to the flag, all gave some
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